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Table Talk
TR...table row
TD...table data...data can be text or an image and can be a link
ALIGN...set horizontal alignment of table data: left-center-right
VALIGN...set vertical alignment of table data: top-middle-bottom
COLSPAN...number of horizontal table data cells the table row spans
ROWSPAN...number of vertical table data cells the table row spans
BORDER...set border size around the table
CELLSPACING...set spacing between table data cells
CELLPADDING...set spacing between table data and border
TABLE...in the table tag you can set width, background color, and make the whole table a link.

Tables will expand to fit the table data as you enter it.
Don't be afraid to experiment with border, cellspacing, cellpadding, width sizes, colors and alignment.
You can always save your work or erase code if you aren't happy with the results.
Some experimentation might be necessary as the more TD's and TR's you include can make the process a little more complicated.
Either way just experiment away and use as many TR's and TD's to make the rows and columns you need.
It's not bad once you get the hang of it and
you'll have your table ready to be posted on your web page in no time.

Inside the table data tags you can use any html tags.
Below the copy and paste box is an example of what that table will look like.

A Table
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here

Add another row
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here

Table with border, spacing, padding and background color
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here

Table column span
Your text or image here
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here

Table row span
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here
Your text or image hereYour text or image hereYour text or image here

Image in a table
Your text or image here

Make an image or text a link
Your text or image here

Make the table a link
*Not supported by all browsers*

Table in a table
Your text or image here

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